Aug 3 2012

License to Drive

Do you have your drivers license?  If so, when did you get it?  If not… why not?  I tried for mine back when I was 16… but failed.  I didn’t try again until I was about 22.  My “why not” was, I was just lazy.  My girlfriend (soon to be wife) had hers so it was all good.  I finally decided to get it because I found that just about everywhere used the drivers license as a major form of ID and it sucked when I had to pass on things because I had none.  That and my girlfriend got tired of diving my ass around.

I’m surprised how many people I know in their 30’s that don’t have a license, that or they got one and then let it run out.  I even know some people that hate driving and have avoided getting it.  I guess that it’s one way to get out of taxiing people around. ^_^