Aug 12 2012

Happy Anniversary to Me!

I’ve been married for twelve years today.  Hooray!!! ^_^

Aug 11 2012

Busy Summer

So here we are, the beginning of August, and I can’t believe how busy I’ve been this summer. It feels like there is always something going on, or people visiting, or a new family trip. While a busy summer is a good thing, it also means next to no time to draw. I feel like I should apologize for not delivering more new art these past few months. Any one waiting for a commission to get done has also waited far longer then usual. Even my Tinkerbell folio has had next to no work done on it during this summer. I hoped it would be ready for September, but I don’t think that will happen saddly. But don’t worry, I haven’t abandoned the project. Even though everything this summer has been great, it’ll be nice to get back to normal again.
So how has your summer been? Crazy busy or pretty laid back? Did you go anywhere fancy?

Aug 10 2012

Tied to a Tree

Some of you might have heard of this, but I just found out about it.  Apparently, a lady in China was tired of people speeding through a cross walk in her neighbourhood, so she took matters in to her own hands.  She tied a blow up sex doll to a tree at the cross walk to slow down the drivers.  Guess what?  It totally worked.

Now there are two things that entered my mind when I read this story.  First, good on her for getting out there and doing something, even though it might be ridiculous.  Most people would just sit and continue to bitch about it.  Second, if this happened in North America, I’d say by the end of the day that doll would have been popped or gone completely.  At the very least people would take pictures of themselves accosting the doll and put them up on Facebook.

At least now we know that sex dolls have a second function. ^_^

Aug 9 2012

Mouse vs Cat

I don’t think I ever posted this here.  Which is a shame because it’s one of my very favorite clips.  I seriously laugh every time I watch it.  It’s the sound fx that make this animation.  On its own it would be just okay.  But the home-made sounds really crack me up. ^_^


Aug 8 2012

Let’s Buy Something Stupid

Let’s say that you’ve come across a large-ish sum of money.  Not enough to buy a car or anything, Just enough to buy you that special something you’ve had your eye on for sometime now.  Now this is totally free money.  You don’t need to spend it on anything, or anyone but yourself.  So what are some totally impractical things you might buy with this money? Continue reading

Aug 7 2012

Boob Dessert

I’ve made more than a few posts about Senran Kagura Burst.  The sequel to the 3DS fighting game which focuses on… well… boobs.  3D boobs.  First there was the tissue box promotional item, now there is the double ice cream dessert.  This ample treat will be at Akihabara’s Cafe Euro from the 10th to the 19th.  I need to scoop my ice cream with more cleavage.