Aug 31 2012

Allergy Season hits Hard!

Holy crap have my allergies kicked in this past week.  All I want to do when I’m not sneezing my face off, is rub and scratch the crap out of my eyes.  I’ve had people tell me that this year could be very bad for allergy sufferers like myself.  I guess all the super hot, dry weather we’ve had this summer has let the allergy weeds grow very well and the other plans not so much.  Wonderful.  I’m bad enough as it is.  I don’t need extra help with not sleeping because I can’t breathe at night during this time of the year.  So I guess the next few months will be sinus hell for me.  So if you’re out there suffering with fall allergies like I do, don’t worry, we’re in this together.

The first frost can’t come soon enough… ugh.

Aug 30 2012

Goof Girls Commission

So this is the reason I was away longer then expected.  I wanted to take some extra time and focus on this commission and get it done proper.  The commissioner waited far too long to get this and I hope they liked the finished product.  Next time I won’t take so long…  I promise. ^_^

Aug 29 2012

Floors DONE!

Phew… it’s been a while but the floors are done!  Actually the floors have been done for almost a week now, but  took some extra time to finish off a commission which I will post up tomorrow so stick around for that.  So I guess the last you heard from me I was just getting ready to pull up floors and getting the flu all at the same time.  I was hoping that it was just a 24 hour type flu and that I would be good to go the next day after some rest.  No dice. Continue reading

Aug 15 2012

Pulling up the Floor

So over the past few days, Wife has started to pull up the hardwood floors and the laminate in the kitchen.  See, on Saturday our new floors arrive and get installed.  Yay!  I’m so glad to get rid of this old crappy hardwood and remaining carpet and get something better down.

My house was built in 1969, during the time where it was in better fashion to put wall to wall carpet down.  The carpet wasn’t always down though, because when we pulled it up in the living room, we found huge gouges in the floor, stains and track marks where something was dragged.  How can anyone treat a floor like that?  It boggles the mind!  The kitchen will be no better.  From what we pulled up we’ve discovered a layer of vinyl, a layer of linoleum and a second sub-floor.  I’m not looking forward to pulling that all up.  My Dad always said “when you buy a house, you buy other people’s problems”.  I hope we don’t encounter too many.

On top of all that, I think I’m getting the flu.  I feel like crap so if there is no post during the next few days, you’ll know why.  I took two days off to team work the floor demo and save us some money.  I hope I can make it through.  This should be the last of the major home renovations for a while.  We’ve had the basement/rec room and the downstairs bathroom redone this year alone (plus redecorating).  It can stop any time… I’d like my house back.  At least it’ll look gorgeous when it’s finished. ^_^

Aug 14 2012

The Chair II

Well, well, well…  what have we here.  It looks like the chair that I drew before but it looks much cleaner now.  You all gave such fantastic suggestions as to who might be on the chair that I found that I wanted to move forward with it.  But the real question is who will show up in the final version.  I know who… but can you guess. ^_^

Sorry JJ, it’s not your Mom.

Aug 13 2012

Peter Pan Sexiness

The other day I noticed that we had borrowed the Disney classic Peter Pan from a friend.  It occurred to me that I had never seen the original Peter Pan in it’s entirety.  I’ve seen clips of it over the years but never the whole thing.  Well, I figured that since I’m doing a Tinkerbell folio (trying to at any rate) that I should watch it and see the original Tink in action.  While I did expect to see a different Tinkerbell from the current CG movies, I was shocked just how different she was.  Not only that, but the over all sexiness that was put in to the movie as a whole.  I took a bunch of screen shots of what I thought where the cutest and sexiest moments of the film.  Follow the link to see what I snapped. Continue reading