Jul 26 2012

We’re all getting old

The other day I noticed an elderly couple in the local mall near my work.  They where quite in to their later years and they walked arm in arm down the hall to or from where ever they where going. It reminded me that I’m going to be that old some day.  Heck, we all will (assuming we all make it that far in life).  We’re getting old right now.  Yes, right now as you read this.  Sometimes it’s hard to see that far forward in life.  We might not know where we’ll be at that time in our lives, but make no mistake, we’ll all be there someday.

Imagine you in your 80’s or maybe even 90’s.  That’s a lot of history that you’ll have covered, you probably won’t be able to remember it all.  All the things you’ve see and places you’ve been.  You can think back to how things where when you where younger.  Heck, I’m 35 and I do that now!  I know when I was a kid we didn’t have a microwave or a VCR.  Penny candy was actually a penny at my local corner store and my first video game system was an Odyssey 2 (followed by my NES).  Who knows what kinds of things I’ll have seen between the beginning and then end.

Have you ever put thought in to your elder years?  Where will you be?  What things will you have done.  What things might you have missed out on.  What will be your full life story?  We all have one.  All those old people that others complain about where young like us once, and now have a complete life story that is unique to them.  Some times I’d like to ask them about the things they’ve done and seen, but I’m sure they’d think I was all kinds of strange… or that I was going to mug them.  I hope that someone asks me when I’m old.  I’ll be happy to tell them. ^_^