Jul 18 2012

I drew boobs

So the other night I extended the offer for others to hang out in my air conditioning and draw boobs and vadges.  No one showed up, but seeing as I had some time to kill before bed, I decided to draw some anyway.  I really should take some life drawing classes again to brush up.  Nothing too heavy, just once a month I think would be fine.  I know a buddy that goes from time to time and he said the open class he attends is pretty good.  I thin k it costs about $10 which is a fine price to pay in my opinion for a live model to draw.  I remember in life drawing class from when I had animation and the amount of life drawing we had to take was staggering.  While I don’t have time for that, I should get back in to it.  Gotta keep the skillz up!

Next time maybe I’ll draw more vadges.   Anyone want to model for that?  ^_^