Jul 14 2012

Super Powers!

If you could pick one super power to have, which would it be?  Only one now, no cheating.  No over all mutant abilities or anything.  One super power.  It’s a tough call to make for sure.  Super strength would be awesome at times.  So would the ability to fly or teleport.  X-ray vision sounds cool, until you realize you get to see through to peoples bones and not just their clothes.  I guess you could make up a super power too.  Like the ability to talk to ducks or telescopic sight.  Something totally useless but a lot of fun.

Me?  I might pick the ability to fly.  I think that would be a very handy one to have.  I hope, I’m sure there is a draw back somewhere that I’m forgetting.  Like I won’t be able to fly too high due to the pressure so I can only fly at lower heights.  Still, flying might be cool.