Jul 13 2012

Society has Collapsed!

Okay, not really.  But lets just say that it did for what ever reason.  Zombies, aliens, natural disasters… you pick.  The end result is that governments have all collapsed and people and communities form groups in order to survive.  Food is scarce, so is water, gas and other such provisions so you’ll have to hunt out and scavenge what you can.  Where do you think you’ll fit in, in this new world?  Do you have any skills that would make you an asset to a larger group?  Could you see yourself as a foot soldier for a larger mass to help protect what supplies you all had?  Perhaps you’d have better chances as being a loner.

I wonder this sometimes as, being an artist, I don’t really have sought out skills for survival.  I’m not sure what my odds would be, but I know I would do everything I could to help protect and provide for my family.  I also think it’s interesting that some people would rise up and become leaders where they might not have been before the collapse.  People that had been leaders might falter in this new society as well.

I’ve watched shows about people that stock pile food and build shelters in their backyards and such to prepare for the worst.  I don’t think I’ll be doing that anytime soon, but good on them.  I also watched a show about just this scenario and it talked about having to potentially leave everything behind as looters would probably sack your place.  It suggested that smaller groups would travel better and stand a better chance getting accepted in to groups and other survival tips.  While I don’t think this will happen any time soon nor do I worry about it, it’s interesting to wonder about such a thing happening.  So… how would you fair in a collapsed society?