Jul 12 2012

Ask me a question… I’ll tell you an answer

Wow, lots of people had questions for me this time.  I think the last time I did something like this I got very few.  I’ll see how many I can answer in this post before I fall asleep.

Q:  …you were saying something about a Tinkerbell gallery type thing, whats the news on that? how far are you? are we close to seeing it yet?

Q:  How is that set with Tinkerbell and other fairy’s set coming along?:)

A:  The Tinkerbell portfolio is still in the works… it’s just going extremely slow right now.  With the renovations going on at my house my mother living in the city now and just summer time in general, I find it hard to get the time I want to draw it.  What’s great is that I haven’t lost interest in it.  Not in a long shot.  I still very much want to get this done because I think it’s turning out fantastic!  I will give up a little more info on it though.  I will have two parts to it each 10 pages.  First is Tink in a group situation with other male fairies from the movies and the second will be her with one of her lady fairy friends.  I’ve already picked out who it will be but I’ll keep that a secret for later.  I guess I could put up a tease image for now to keep peoples interest seeing as how I’m not sure when it’ll be done.

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