Jul 11 2012

Ask Me a Question

So yesterday I made a post wondering about you visitors.  Those that wished to answered and I think that’s totally awesome!  I love the feed back that you all give.  I don’t always answer, but I read everyone.  Since yesterday was sort of an open ended question to all of you, I’d like to turn the tables here.  If any of you out there want to ask me a question regarding… well… anything you’ve been wondering about me, what or who I draw, my opinion of “X”, what I do or… anything else you might want to know about me, ask right now.  I’m pretty open to just about anything and it takes a lot to offend me so don’t hold back.  If you’re not cool with leaving a question in a reply, then feel free to ask in an email.  I’ll pick out the questions and answer them in full proper post for all to see.

Until then… I need to get back to some drawings. ^_^