Jul 10 2012

Who are you?

On average I get about 750 views to this blog each day and it makes me wonder about the people that pass by here.  How many of you are average views and how many are wandering by for the first time?  How many are shocked and run screaming from here once they see what I draw and how many find exactly what they’re looking for and maybe relived to find that there is someone that is like who they are?  How many of you are famous people that secretly is a part of my fan base?  How many are people that I already know in the real life, unaware that maybe you work with me or sit next to me on the bus?  How many of you are women vs men (I’m guessing not many)?  How many of you are under 18 (shame on you)? How many of you aspire to draw because of what I draw or how many of you are artists that I admire already?  So many wonders on who you all are, but regardless I do thank you, whom ever you may be, for stopping by my little part of the internet.

How many want me to shut up and draw something. ^_^