Jul 7 2012


Are things really collectable these days? Everything is massed produced to such an extent that it seems redundant to say anything is a collectors edition. Are we just fooled in to buying these “special” versions and maybe the hopes of it being collectable. I can’t say I’ve never bought a collectors edition before though so I’m no better. I have special edition versions of movies and games and have even gone out of my way to get them. Only to feel kind of silly about the whole thing years later.

What does seem to happen is toys or games will become collectable with out meaning to. I’m still looking for the Fireball Island board game from my childhood, but can’t seem to find it with out spending over $100 bucks. Old NES games can cost some good coin. Even old toys from the 80’s have become collectable. But then get becomes the debate if those are really collectable or just hard to find.

What things are collectable to you? I love to get old NES, SNES and GameBoy games but I think you all ready knew that. ^_^