Jul 6 2012

Polymorphous Perversity is out!

Wow!  I never noticed that Polymorphous Perversity is out!  Quick, everyone go download it and try it out.  I’ll see if I can put time aside to try it too and we’ll review it together in a later post.

Jul 6 2012

Sorry for the no Post

Ugh, I sure did feel like crap yesterday.  We’ve been having a heat wave here in Southern Ontario and I’m pretty sure that I let myself get really dehydrated yesterday.  I don’t remember drinking a lot during the day as I did my work.  I mean, I have a bottle of water at my desk and I remember filling it but I don’t remember drinking much of it.  I was so focused on my work tasks it never occurred to me to drink more.  Then I went home and helped Wife empty and clean out the pool because there was some glass in it (long story… don’t ask).  I might have had a drink then, but only one.  Anyway, by then end of the night I realized what I had done to myself  but it was too late.  I felt horrible and nauseous and went straight to bed.

It’s sort of crazy how we neglect our bodies sometimes.  It’s not like drinking a glass of water would have taken much time out of my day, and yet I kept on putting it off.  So let this be a lesson to you (and me), make sure you drink properly during the day or your body will hate you for it.