Jul 1 2012

Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day everyone!  I didn’t get time to make this post earlier in the day so you get to read it now instead, which is probably July 2nd.  But really it should have been up July 1st.  Oh well, I tried.  Anyway, this Sunday was Canada Day and it ended up being a pretty awesome day.  I got some house chores done in the morning and spent the afternoon taking in some fun family things set up close to us.  Had a great steak dinner thanks to Wife and finished it off with a nice fireworks display at a near by park.

I gotta say that I feel pretty special being born in Canada.  I know there are pretty awesome places around the world, but Canada has this great friendly feeling to it.  I feel that there are fabulous opportunities here, we have a health care system that takes care of our population, there is some fantastic wilderness to the north of just about everyone and our political system isn’t all crazy.  We’re not perfect, but we’re pretty damn awesome I think.

Canadian fact:  It’s legal for women to go topless.  Not that any of them do.