Jun 10 2012

Who are You?

We all have moments in our lives that have helped to sculpt us to be the people we are now.  Maybe it was opportunity that you took that changed your life, or maybe something you missed.  Maybe it was an accomplishment that you achieved for yourself.  I always find it interesting to look back and see those defining moments in our lives.  We don’t always see them at the exact moment they happen, but they’re there.  I think it’s important to reflect on these and see where we’ve been and maybe understand who we are.

Some moments in my life where meeting my wife back in high school.  Little did I know I would spend the rest of my life with her and that she’d help me become a more rounded and confident person.  Being a father showed me a new out look on life that I never could have imagined.  Taking a job with a small time game studio right out of college started the ground work for my entire career.  The passing of my first dog helped me understand life and death and my place in the world.  If any of those things didn’t happen, who knows where I’d be or who I’d be today.

What do you think are some of the defining moments in your life thus far?