Jun 8 2012

The Most I Ever Ate

Tonight wife and I went out for sushi with friends.  We don’t go out a lot but when we do, we usually go out for sushi at our usual place.  What makes this place sort of interesting is that the first time we went there, I ate myself stupid.  The food there is great, and I’m very glad that it’s all you can eat other wise it would cost me a god damn fortune because of how much I eat when I’m there.  But that first time… well, I can honestly say I’ve never eaten so much at one sitting in my life.  I ate so much that the next day at lunch, I was still feeling full and ill.  It was painful to think about eating more (I even had a  super light breakfast).  I’m sure I could have fed a small village with what I put in my body.  Since then I’ve learned to better gauge how much I should eat and I leave feeling full, but not gross.

Have you ever eaten to the point where you feel ill?  What was it that you ate?

This one commission sure was tuff.  Who was it of?