Jun 18 2012

Carpet Removal

As I mentioned the other day, renovations are happening in my house.  In order to save on some of the costs, wife and I are doing some of the tear out.  The carpet came out on the weekend and so the remainder of that was taken care of tonight.  She took care of scraping the glued on under pad off the floor and I removed all the bits of carpet and staples from the stairs.  The whole job took about 2 1/2 hours and now my whole right arm pretty damn sore.  I’m assuming that by tomorrow it’ll hurt a lot more.  Not looking forward to that.

As much as the job sucked, it went super smooth with this handy new tool I picked up on the weekend.  We just happen to be in Canadian Tire (Canadian Hardware store) and I saw this heavy duty staple remover for about $6.  I knew I needed to remove carpet staples so I thought… why the heck not and bought it.  Well, I’m so glad I did get it because the thing is just awesome.  I can’t imagine how long it would have taken me if I was using a flat head screwdriver or a pair of pliers to get all the staples out.  So my advice to you if you happen to be pulling out carpet and you need to get all the staples out, get one of these tools.  Trust me… you’ll love it.

Jun 17 2012

Fathers Day

I love this Father’s Day cartoon.  I thought it was funny when I was little, but now I think it’s absolutely  hilarious!  Just thought I’d pop in and share it with people.  Don’t forget to wish your Dad or Father figure a Happy Dad Day. ^_^

Jun 16 2012


As I mentioned before, my home will be going under renovations.  Correction, is under renovations.  Today carpet was pulled up in the basement to prepare it for the new carpet.  When ever you start to pull up, remove or break through things in a house you get to see all the problems that others before you tried to cover up or did incorrectly.  Some are big, some are small and some are just plain “why the hell did they do that”.  For example, in the basement downstairs, they screwed the sink vanity to the wall… from the other side of the wall in the hall. o_O We also discovered that they laid the tile down wrong in the shower which has resulted in leaks over the year and completely rotted out the wood.  Ugh… more problems = more money.  We’ve got a good contractor though so I know it’ll all work out.

I’m not a handy man so I only help out where I can.  I have done a few odd jobs around the house.  I can paint a room, switch a overhead light to ceiling fan.  I’ve put up shelves in a nook, switched out bathroom faucets and even replaced a toilet.  Just odd jobs, nothing like a major renovation. Are you a handy person or would you rather hire someone to do the job?

Jun 15 2012

Rock of Ages

Tonight my wife and I went and saw the Rock of Ages movie.  We loved it and thought it was lots of fun, but then we’ve seen the musical so we’re kind of biased.  My wife had been following the development of the movie and was less then impressed with the casting choice, but after the movie we can both say that we where wrong.  The cast worked out fantastic, even Tom Cruise as the hard rocker Stacee Jaxx, was a great choice.

This is a musical so be prepared for lots of singing from the cast, but it’s all fun and I found myself getting excited when I knew what song they where going to do next.  If you have seen the musical then expect changes between that and the movie.  But don’t worry, all the changes where good and made the story flow better, which made me quite happy.  So if you’re a child of the 80’s or a fan of 80’s rock and roll, I recommend checking it out.  It would make a great date movie I think ^_^

Jun 14 2012

Bad Gifts

So, what do you do if you get a bad gift?  Well, not really a bad gift… a gift you don’t really have a use for or want.  We all get them and we all try our best to look like we love what ever it is, but really we’re thinking “what am I going to do with this”.  I never have the heart to return things as I feel it’s an insult to the person that gave it.  Plus there’s the chance they’ll ask about it later… and then what do you say.  I’ve never “re-gifted” something, although I have joked about it.  Poor gift choices for me usually just sit around in a box for years and then Goodwilled later down the road.

What’s the worst gift you’ve ever received?  I’m pretty easy to shop for as I like video games and such, but I do hate it when relatives give art or nicknacks that don’t match your house.  I, as a rule, don’t buy that stuff for others as I don’t know how others decorate and I don’t want to give something that doesn’t mesh with with their house.  Sometimes I’ll get a shirt or something that I probably won’t wear.  My wife received a turtle lamp one year… that was… interesting for sure.  Not sure what ever happened to that over the years.

Jun 13 2012

Nothing to Report

Man, there is nothing to post about as of late.  There is no sexy game news to report on.  I’m waiting for Polymorphous Perversity to finish so I can try it out and give a review on it.  I have drawings I’m working on, but nothing to show off right now.  I haven’t put together my monthly erotic artist post yet.  Even regular game news is sort of dry right now.

So… what did you have for dinner tonight?  I had tacos.