May 28 2012

E3 2012

Did you know that E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) is happening next week?  It’s true.  For those that don’t know what that is, it’s the largest North American video game trade show for the year.  It’s where we get to see all the new stuff coming out and hear about things yet to come.  It’s very exciting.

New for those of you that are already in the know, what do you expect to see this year?  Nintendo should show off more WiiU (it’s next console) but will Sony or Microsoft show anything regarding their new machines?  What games are you hoping will get announced or are just waiting to see more of?

I’m a Nintendo junky.  Always have been, probably always will be.  I’m looking forward to more WiiU news and I want to see what things they have planned for the 3DS.  Everything else is just gravy.

I went to E3 way back in 2009.  I’ve only ever been once, but it was pretty damn awesome.  I’d love to go again, but it can get expensive.  Plus it’s not fair for me to run off to California and leave my family up here in Canada.  At least, that’s what I tell myself (snicker ^_^).