May 26 2012

Porn in the Ceiling

Did I ever tell you about the time I found a porn DVD in my ceiling?  It’s true.  Well, my brother-in-law found it actually.  He was helping run some phone cable and had to move some of the ceiling tiles in the laundry room.  He poked his head up there and… Ta-Da!  Forgotten porn.  Misty Rain’s World Wide Sex 6: Slammin in Slovakia to be exact.  Of course I had checked to it out.  My rating of it is… meh, I’ve seen better.  My guess is that some previous husband was stashing it away from the wife.  Kinda sad really.  I wonder if he felt insecure about having it, or thought his wife would flip her lid on him so he had to hide it.  My wife, on the other had has no problems with it and thought it was hilarious.  I wonder if that was his only one.  I’ve never found any others.  Who knows whats hidden in the walls of some homes.  There could be a whole porn trove waiting to be found in yours.

I think I’ll put it back where I found it so that others down the road can find it later too.  I have no need for it, there’s more then enough porn on the internet to keep my interests.  Sorry Misty… back in the ceiling for you to be found again in some far off future.