May 25 2012

Single Vacations vs. Couple Vacations

I often bring up the topic of vacations with my single friends and why they don’t take more of them.  Usually by the end of the year they still have the majority of their vacation days to book off because they didn’t use them during the year.  Then I have to listen to them talk about how it’s a pain to take the time off.  That totally floors me!  I always ask why they don’t take more vacations to see different places.  They don’t have to go around the world, but just to see what our own country might have to offer.  I mean, if they’re single then their vacations are going to be way cheaper then the ones I go on.  There are four members to my family.  Imagine how big my vacation bill gets.  In my head, they should be taking this great opportunity to do some traveling.

There response to all that is… traveling by yourself doesn’t sound like much fun.  Plus even if it is cheaper for them to travel, they still might not have the cash to do so.  I can totally understand that.  It would be better to travel and share those experiences with someone and not everyone has travel cash.  We all have bills to pay.  Still, I think if it where me I would go and see some places.  But then I forget that this is married me talking.  I’m looking at it from a skewed view point.  If I’d always been single, I might feel the same way they do.  I do hope that single me would pick up a ticket and see the world.  I guess I’ll never know.

If you’re single would you ever consider going on a vacation by yourself?