May 20 2012

Allergy Season

I woke up this morning and I was all stuffed up and sneezing my brains out.  Allergy season seems to have arrived again.  Wonderful.

I have horrible allergies.  I’ve had them since I was a small child and I’ve suffered ever since.  My allergies aren’t that bad in the spring and summer.  If I can avoid the out doors as much as possible during the warm months, then I’ll generally be okay with little meds needed.  But my family likes to go camping, so you can guess where that leads me.  Even so, I’m not too bad.  It’s August and the fall months that will absolutely kill me.  Which is why I look forward to winter so much.

So this morning was like a little preview of what’s too come.  I took some drugs to keep me breathing and I was okay thank goodness.  Anyone else out there suffer with allergies?  Anyone get those allergy shots to stop you from sniffing and sneezing?  I know I should get them… but I’m a lazy bastard.