May 19 2012

New Computer

Some time this year I think we’ll have to invest in a new computer.  The one we have right now is about 6 years old and it’s getting kind of slow.  When ever we have to look in to a new computer I get a little stressed.  I’m not much of a computer guy so I don’t really know about specs and such.  I know I don’t want to spend an arm and a leg, nor do I need a full package deal.  Our mouse, keyboard and screen are just fine so we don’t need those.  We’ll only need the tower (do they still call them that?).

Any tips on which brand is better or how to look for a  computer that best suits our needs?  Our needs being word processing, emailing, web surfing and the occasional Photoshopping.

Update: Thanks for all the tips everyone!  I honestly I have no idea what specs are good for computers.  I used to, but that was a long time ago.  I was able to find out the specs I do have.  Apparently I’m running a…

Dell Dimension DV051

Intel Pentium 4 CPU 2.80GHz

2.79 GHz, .099 GB of RAM

144 GB of space

At least that’s what the properties window tells me off of My Computer.  I have no idea how to upgrade a PC.  Is it easy?  Is it more cost effective?  Also, what are peoples opinions on refurbished computers?