May 18 2012

Out of My Way

Want to try an experiment?  Next time you’re out walking around take notice of who moves out of your way or if you move out of others way.  I saw this on a documentary on short men.  It was noted that tall men will have vastly more people move out of their way then short men.  I thought that it could be taken farther and applied to everyone.  It would seem to me that people that are more alpha in their thinking would just walk straight and expect others to move out of the way for them.  While others will willingly move out of the way to avoid confrontation.

I’ve bumped in to a few people over the years.  I always apologize because I most likely wasn’t watching where I was going.  But then I got thinking, it takes two to bump.  Did the other person not see me too?  If they did, why did they walk in to me.  Where they expecting me to move out of the way for them?  I remember bumping in to a guy in the Montreal Metro.  I was going one way and he was coming at me.  I didn’t move and neither did he.  We crashed shoulders and he was very irate at me that I didn’t watch where I was going.  But when you think about it, he expected me to move.  He had no intention on moving and expected others to move out of his way.

I think that most people will move to try and avoid each other as they walk around, but there are those that will not.  Are you a mover or are you pusher.  I think it’s a interesting thing to check.  Try walking down a street or a hall and don’t move out of the way of others.  Don’t try to get in someone’s way, but don’t make an effort to get out of the way either.  Did people get out of your way or did some expect you to move?