May 14 2012

Posted Without Permission

I’ve been getting notes and emails from people regarding my Medusa picture which has been posted with out my permission or credit to me.  First, I’d like to say thanks to those that are looking out for my art in and around the internet.  Second, seeing my art posted about has never been an issue for me.  I draw this stuff for fun and if others want to post it about, then I’m cool with that.  Sure it’d be great of they posted who did it and a link back to me but sometimes that’s not always possible.  They might have found it on some other site.  Regardless, if someone else wants to share something I’ve drawn, I say go ahead.  I must have done something right if people want to share my work.  I’ve seen my art posted in places and I’ve never said anything and I doubt I ever will. But thanks again to those that have kept me in the loop on where my art shows up. ^_^