May 13 2012

Guest Gone

So my family visitor left for home today.  It was fun and busy while they where down and we got a lot of things accomplished.  Even though it was great to see them and spend that extra time together, it’s nice to have your place back again.  Playing the host and hostess can get tired after a while and can be a drain on funds too.  We don’t go all out for visitors, but we do want to make sure they have a good time.

Finally though I can draw smutty things in my evenings.  I think this week put be behind 2 or 3 drawings for the Tink folio so I have some catching up to do.  Plus in that time I’ve thought up some other pics that I’d like to start on as well.  One is an old character I named Namir.  It’s bee a long while since I’ve drawn anything of her and I think I’m ready to end that.  Should be fun and I’m looking forward to it. ^_^