May 2 2012


I can’t stand it when I see people litter.  Just today, I watched a guy drive past me house in a pick-up truck and try to toss his Big Mac container in to the box of the truck.  He was driving at the time so the container didn’t even come close to hitting it’s mark.  I see people just leave their empty bottles/coffee cups on the bus all the time.  They just get up and walk away from them like they didn’t own them!  I even see people just drop trash on the ground as they wait for the bus!  Grrr!!!

The other issue I have with litterers is with me.  I never say anything to these people.  I just let it happen.  I don’t care for confrontation so I just let them get away with it.  I guess I’m afraid of them yelling back at me or maybe getting stabbed (worst case scenario).  Others around me don’t stop them ether.  Everyone just lets it happen.  I realize that no one gets hurt with littering.  It’s a pretty minor offense.  I just hate that some people think they’re free to do what ever they want and no one stops them.  I mean, have some respect for the place we all have to live!  Would it kill ya to hang on to your trash until you got to a garbage can?  GRRRR!!!!

Have you ever stood up and said something to a stranger regarding littering (or any other annoyance?)