May 7 2012

Family Visitor

I currently have family visiting me for the week.  Which means it’s hard to make posts and impossible to draw any thing naughty.  I’m not upset about it though, it’s good to keep in contact with family and it’s some thing I don’t do as much of as I should.  I guess it’s like a forced break from my hobbies.  We play host and hostess as we watch shows, play games or go on special trips to see things in the area that we probably wouldn’t normally go and see.  It’s a lot of fun and I do enjoy it.

I do find that  I (as I’m sure most are) am more mindful of my actions when we have guests.  Like, I tend not to fart in front of my Mother if she is visiting or we’ll talk about things that are more relevant to others so we can all enjoy conversations.  It is nice though when they leave so you can unbuckle your belt and burp when you please again.  Not that I do that when we don’t have guests… well… maybe the burping. ^_^

May 6 2012

Ham Sandwich

Score this design: “ham sandwich,” to help it get printed on Threadless!

Okay, I told myself I wasn’t going spam my blog with more t-shirts, but to heck with that.  It’s my blog and I’ll spam it all I want.  It’s still my art after all.  ^_^

So anyway, I did up another shirt design for Threadless.  Same drill as before, please go and vote for it and if it does well enough, maybe the fine people over at Threadless will print it up and then we can all wear it.  I’m having lots of fun doing this to be honest.  I’m trying to do one a week, that way I’m not in competition with myself.

Thanks to everyone that votes or has voted on my designs.  One day I hope they print one.
ham sandwich - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More

May 5 2012

Lost Commission

While going through my images for the new gallery, I found more then just a bunny pic, I found this.  It was a commission of Tiny Kong I did last year but I never found out if this, the final image, was accepted.  I sent it off for approval and never got a response.  I’ve never had that happen before.  I even checked my junk folder to see if it got sent there.  Nothing…

I hope the commissioner was happy with it.  More importantly, I hope that he’s okay and that nothing bad happened to him.


May 4 2012

New Gallery!

If there’s one thing I’ve wrestled with for a long time it’s my gallery.  I’ve never found one the really makes me happy or show cases my art the way I would like.  Well, hopefully my search is over.  I think I’ve found one that does what I want… I hope.  It seems to be easy to upload images and keep organized.  It does some neat things like folders within folders should I need them and displays a random image to better show of the contents in the folder.  I can also have comments on the images too… if I can figure that one out. o_O

The pain in the ass thing is bringing over all images in my current (old) gallery.  Some will make the move while some will get left behind.  So I encourage everyone to go and check the new gallery out and let me know if there are any issues or things I’ve forgotten to bring over.  The images are out of chronological order right now and to be honest… I’m not sure I’ll change that.  I sort of like it that way for some strange reason.  I’ll have to slowly go around and give all the images proper descriptions, but for now it’s fine.  Plus I image that people will be stopping by to see pictures and not read words. ^_^

Update:  Comments now work in the gallery!  Yay! It’s a general gallery comment system.  You can’t post a comment on an individual picture.  Oh, and I added a drop down in the side bar so it’s easier to look at my past posts.  ^_^

May 3 2012

Random Bunny?

So the other day  I was going through all my PSD’s looking to delete things that I don’t need any more when I came across this bunny sketch.  She looks cute, but beyond that… I don’t remember anything about her.  I don’t know if I had plans for this character or anything.  I don’t even remember drawing her to be honest. o_O She wasn’t in with the commissioned PSD’s so I know she’s my own doodle.  Maybe I never had plans and I was only drawing for the heck of it.  I wish I could remember.  I guess the plus side is… I found a cute random bunny in all my drawings.  I guess I shouldn’t complain. ^_^

May 2 2012


I can’t stand it when I see people litter.  Just today, I watched a guy drive past me house in a pick-up truck and try to toss his Big Mac container in to the box of the truck.  He was driving at the time so the container didn’t even come close to hitting it’s mark.  I see people just leave their empty bottles/coffee cups on the bus all the time.  They just get up and walk away from them like they didn’t own them!  I even see people just drop trash on the ground as they wait for the bus!  Grrr!!!

The other issue I have with litterers is with me.  I never say anything to these people.  I just let it happen.  I don’t care for confrontation so I just let them get away with it.  I guess I’m afraid of them yelling back at me or maybe getting stabbed (worst case scenario).  Others around me don’t stop them ether.  Everyone just lets it happen.  I realize that no one gets hurt with littering.  It’s a pretty minor offense.  I just hate that some people think they’re free to do what ever they want and no one stops them.  I mean, have some respect for the place we all have to live!  Would it kill ya to hang on to your trash until you got to a garbage can?  GRRRR!!!!

Have you ever stood up and said something to a stranger regarding littering (or any other annoyance?)