May 19 2012

New Computer

Some time this year I think we’ll have to invest in a new computer.  The one we have right now is about 6 years old and it’s getting kind of slow.  When ever we have to look in to a new computer I get a little stressed.  I’m not much of a computer guy so I don’t really know about specs and such.  I know I don’t want to spend an arm and a leg, nor do I need a full package deal.  Our mouse, keyboard and screen are just fine so we don’t need those.  We’ll only need the tower (do they still call them that?).

Any tips on which brand is better or how to look for a  computer that best suits our needs?  Our needs being word processing, emailing, web surfing and the occasional Photoshopping.

Update: Thanks for all the tips everyone!  I honestly I have no idea what specs are good for computers.  I used to, but that was a long time ago.  I was able to find out the specs I do have.  Apparently I’m running a…

Dell Dimension DV051

Intel Pentium 4 CPU 2.80GHz

2.79 GHz, .099 GB of RAM

144 GB of space

At least that’s what the properties window tells me off of My Computer.  I have no idea how to upgrade a PC.  Is it easy?  Is it more cost effective?  Also, what are peoples opinions on refurbished computers?

May 18 2012

Out of My Way

Want to try an experiment?  Next time you’re out walking around take notice of who moves out of your way or if you move out of others way.  I saw this on a documentary on short men.  It was noted that tall men will have vastly more people move out of their way then short men.  I thought that it could be taken farther and applied to everyone.  It would seem to me that people that are more alpha in their thinking would just walk straight and expect others to move out of the way for them.  While others will willingly move out of the way to avoid confrontation.

I’ve bumped in to a few people over the years.  I always apologize because I most likely wasn’t watching where I was going.  But then I got thinking, it takes two to bump.  Did the other person not see me too?  If they did, why did they walk in to me.  Where they expecting me to move out of the way for them?  I remember bumping in to a guy in the Montreal Metro.  I was going one way and he was coming at me.  I didn’t move and neither did he.  We crashed shoulders and he was very irate at me that I didn’t watch where I was going.  But when you think about it, he expected me to move.  He had no intention on moving and expected others to move out of his way.

I think that most people will move to try and avoid each other as they walk around, but there are those that will not.  Are you a mover or are you pusher.  I think it’s a interesting thing to check.  Try walking down a street or a hall and don’t move out of the way of others.  Don’t try to get in someone’s way, but don’t make an effort to get out of the way either.  Did people get out of your way or did some expect you to move?

May 17 2012

Sexy Toys for Games

Did you buy Diablo III?  I did not.  But if you did, there stands a chance that you are currently neglecting your lady friend.  Alone, she waits for you… but you’re too busy with your new love. If this sounds like you, then don’t worry because Absoloo has got your back.  Absoloo is a French online adult toy company that is giving away a small vibrator to those that bought Diablo III to keep the Mrs. “playing” too.  All you have to do is post a picture of you and the game box on facebook and notify Absoloo of the photo.  They will then pass along to you voucher code for the vibrator.  They made the official post about this on the company blog, it is in French though so some up us might have a hard time reading it. ^_^

Oh, this offer is only available until the 28th of May so hurry up!

May 16 2012

Guest Art for Fur After Dark

Some time last year I was asked my Mr. Eric Schwartz to do a guest piece for Fur After Dark.  Since he and I seem to share the same kink of messy, messy toon facials, I decided to use his character Sheila as my subject and I’m quite happy how it turned out.  I felt quite honoured to be ask to be a guest artist at one of my favorite artists site.  Eric loved my piece and said it would be cool if I did up another one.  I’ve yet to have the time to do one unfortunately.  Eric, if you visit here, I’d love to do up another pic and I apologize for not being able to do one sooner.  Also, if anyone else wants a guest artist, all you have to do is ask. ^_^

It doubles as a night light?  Cool!  I want one!  What is it?

May 15 2012

Controller Snapping Rage

What’s the hardest game you’ve ever played?  Was it cheap in it’s design or was it a genuine challenge?  I’m currently playing Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones for the GBA (as a 3DS download) and it’s probably the hardest thing I’ve played in a while.  It could be the way I’m playing it though.

To start things off, it’s a tactical style game where your units are magicians, knights, assassins, cavaliers, archers, etc.  All this that is very cool, but as you start the game, you’re told that once a unit has died, you don’t get it back.  They are gone forever.  Which wouldn’t be so bad except that every unit is a character that can play apart in the story or recruiting others on the maps.  Which is the only way to get new units.  So when one of them dies on the battle field you better believe that the game gets reset and I try again.  What sucks is that you have to start that chapter/battle over again as you can’t do any kind of save during the fights except for a quick suspend that gets deleted when you load it up again.  I’ve played some maps over and over again so that no one dies.  I could just let them die I suppose, but knowing that I can’t get them back… well… I just can’t let that happen.

I’ll see it through to the end.  It”ll be a challenge for sure, but I just can’t walk away from it.  I’ve been waiting to play this game for years and now that I have a chance I don’t want to give up on it.  Have you ever walked away from a game because it was too hard?

May 14 2012

Posted Without Permission

I’ve been getting notes and emails from people regarding my Medusa picture which has been posted with out my permission or credit to me.  First, I’d like to say thanks to those that are looking out for my art in and around the internet.  Second, seeing my art posted about has never been an issue for me.  I draw this stuff for fun and if others want to post it about, then I’m cool with that.  Sure it’d be great of they posted who did it and a link back to me but sometimes that’s not always possible.  They might have found it on some other site.  Regardless, if someone else wants to share something I’ve drawn, I say go ahead.  I must have done something right if people want to share my work.  I’ve seen my art posted in places and I’ve never said anything and I doubt I ever will. But thanks again to those that have kept me in the loop on where my art shows up. ^_^