May 31 2012

The JAB Archives

So as I’m sure most people know, my blog here is hosted by The JAB Archives.  Well, I’m pleased to say that as of June 1st, the whole site is getting a new over haul.  Everything about the site is getting a fresh coat of paint and redesign so it’s easier to find the artists that you want to see.  What’s really neat is that even I didn’t realize just how many artists we host here.  Twenty one artists in all, including me!  I’m practically neighbors with artists like Jive Guru, Wagner and Karavan and I didn’t even know!

To celebrate the new redesign, I’ve done up a fancy new picture of Random inviting you to come see what’s new in the new TJA… and what’s in her shirt too.  I really do encourage people to go and check out the other artists here at The JAB Archives or maybe even be apart of the forum.  Most importantly, I want to thank everyone that has supported TJA for the past 17 years.  You guys are the freak’n best! ^_^

May 30 2012

Free Games!

Yup, free games.  Someone from the fan base, and a regular visitor, has informed me of some games they’re looking to get rid of.  They’re good old retro games than need new homes.  So if you’re in the market for some free games, let me know in an email and I’ll pass it along to the giver then the two of you can work out the details.  The games are listed below.

Sega Genesis Games:
-Sword of Vermillion with Hintbook (no box, no manual)
-Phantasy Star II (no box, no manual)
-Phantasy Star III (box and manual)
-Shining in the Darkness (box and manual)
-Battletech (box and manual)
Playstation Games:
-Suikoden (box, no manual)
-Lunar: Silver Star Story, Complete (boxed set with all goodies included)

Why is he getting rid of these?  Well, they’ve been sitting in a box for several years now and rather then sell them and have them sit in a store, it’s nice to know they’ll fine homes with those that want them.  I can totally dig that.  I didn’t take any because I don’t have a Genesis or a PlayStation but I’m sure that some of you out there still do.^_^

May 29 2012

Mold 2 – Moldbusters

So last time I talked about mold, it was in my basement.  We had found some mold along some of the baseboards in our basement/rec-room so we had to call in a mold guy to check it out.  He came by did some tests and asked us a few questions about furniture placement.  Apparently, poor air flow behind furniture that is pressed up against the wall can cause mold too.  Not the case here, although it’s not so bad.  It would seem that who ever put up the drywall put it all the way down to the concrete floor which is a no, no in a basement.  You’re supposed to have a few inch gap on the bottom to keep that from happening.  What happens now is we have to cut away any mold that is on the walls and replace the carpet.  Which is okay, because we where looking to redo the basement anyway since we’re also putting down new hardwood in the house.

We are lucky though that the mold didn’t climb up the walls behind the drywall.  Then it would have been all kinds of bad news.  It will cost us money in the end, but it’s good to know that I shouldn’t have to worry about it again.  Have you ever had house/apartment issues that you had to deal with?  It’s not fun, but nice when it’s done.

May 28 2012

E3 2012

Did you know that E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) is happening next week?  It’s true.  For those that don’t know what that is, it’s the largest North American video game trade show for the year.  It’s where we get to see all the new stuff coming out and hear about things yet to come.  It’s very exciting.

New for those of you that are already in the know, what do you expect to see this year?  Nintendo should show off more WiiU (it’s next console) but will Sony or Microsoft show anything regarding their new machines?  What games are you hoping will get announced or are just waiting to see more of?

I’m a Nintendo junky.  Always have been, probably always will be.  I’m looking forward to more WiiU news and I want to see what things they have planned for the 3DS.  Everything else is just gravy.

I went to E3 way back in 2009.  I’ve only ever been once, but it was pretty damn awesome.  I’d love to go again, but it can get expensive.  Plus it’s not fair for me to run off to California and leave my family up here in Canada.  At least, that’s what I tell myself (snicker ^_^).

May 27 2012

Erotic Art History – Franz von Bayros

May’s erotic artist in history is Franz von Bayros (b. 1866 – d. 1924).  He was an Austrian commercial artist, painter and illustrator who, at the age of 17, was accepted in to the Vienna Academy and studied under historic portrait painter Eduard von Engerth. Franz also belonged to the Decadent movement of the late 19th century and used fantastic themes in some of his erotic works.

Continue reading

May 26 2012

Porn in the Ceiling

Did I ever tell you about the time I found a porn DVD in my ceiling?  It’s true.  Well, my brother-in-law found it actually.  He was helping run some phone cable and had to move some of the ceiling tiles in the laundry room.  He poked his head up there and… Ta-Da!  Forgotten porn.  Misty Rain’s World Wide Sex 6: Slammin in Slovakia to be exact.  Of course I had checked to it out.  My rating of it is… meh, I’ve seen better.  My guess is that some previous husband was stashing it away from the wife.  Kinda sad really.  I wonder if he felt insecure about having it, or thought his wife would flip her lid on him so he had to hide it.  My wife, on the other had has no problems with it and thought it was hilarious.  I wonder if that was his only one.  I’ve never found any others.  Who knows whats hidden in the walls of some homes.  There could be a whole porn trove waiting to be found in yours.

I think I’ll put it back where I found it so that others down the road can find it later too.  I have no need for it, there’s more then enough porn on the internet to keep my interests.  Sorry Misty… back in the ceiling for you to be found again in some far off future.