Patreon supporters voted on Princess Daisy for last months character choice. I gotta admit… I loves me some Daisy. I usually pick her as a character when ever I get the opportunity in a game. I know others go for Peach or Rosalina, but for me, it’s Daisy all the way.
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1 comment | tags: nsfw, princess daisy | posted in art, naughty
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again… I love drawing Sawyer. I don’t think I’ll ever tire of her. She is one of my favorite characters to draw.
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3 comments | tags: cat's don't dance, nsfw, sawyer | posted in art, naughty
These two again? Yup… I guess I got a thing for these two now. It’s great that the supporters also share my enthusiasm. Will happily draw them again. ^_^
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6 comments | tags: anna, elsa, frozen, nsfw | posted in art, naughty
I’m big on retro things right now (well okay, most of the time really). So when the supporters voted on Betty Cooper for last months character, I was super jazzed. Betty and Veronica were some of my first steps in to smutty drawings oh so many years ago. Back in the days before I was old enough to buy porn. Before the days when you could share this stuff on a thing called The Internet. Dang I’m old.
If you dig this, then you might be interested in supporting me at my Patreon where you can see my rough drawings, sketches and be involved in what drawings will come next. Thanks!
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8 comments | tags: betty cooper, nsfw | posted in art, naughty
Ever play Ni no Kuni II: Revenant? If so then this character will be familiar to you. Her name is Braken and she’s a scientist in the game. I’ve not played the game, but I was happy to draw her for a Patreon supporter.
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7 comments | tags: braken, nsfw | posted in art, naughty
I remember watching Treasure Planet a long time ago. I couldn’t tell you anything about the film, but I do remember this character. I even drew her once upon a time. It’s nice to go back and revisit those older pictures/characters and have another go with them.
If you dig this, then you might be interested in supporting me at my Patreon where you can see my rough drawings, sketches and be involved in what drawings will come next. Thanks!
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4 comments | tags: captain amelia, nsfw disney, treasure planet | posted in art, naughty