other peoples kids – post 67
I’ve come to realize that other people’s children bug the hell out of me. Well, I guess I shouldn’t say that it’s the kids really but a mix of the kids and parenting that they might be getting. See, when we have people visit us I see their kids as… not monsters… but.. ummm… annoying. Most seem to lack the discipline that we have with our kids. In our house there is no talking back, there is no crazy behaviour, there is respect and discussing one’s feelings and thoughts to get points of view across and absolutely no violence. My wife and I both believe this to be great ways to make sure our children grow up to be respectable, logical adults. Now that’s not to say there is no outbursts, crying and screaming at times. Nor are we all happy 100% of the time, but we see it’s important that after the screaming and such is over then we sit down and talked about how we felt at the time when we where angry, apologize if we where wrong (parents included) and discuss things so situations aren’t left unresolved. Again, things aren’t perfect all the time, but it works.
Other peoples kids… are more chaotic it would seem. I’ve had other kids throw toys down my stairs, not share things, hog the play set out side from my kids, run though my house and mess up every room and everything they can get their hands on. I’ve seen children almost four eat more messily then my one year old. Most kids don’t listen to their parents and the parents seem to lack control (again, I’ll state that we’re not perfect ether), and it’s hard to discipline othe kids in your home when the parents are there. Because those parents are the rule makers and I shouldn’t have to watch other peoples kids, but I feel I do have to make sure the children know the rules of my house.
Sigh… kids will be kids I suppose. But every time I have other kids in my house I’m griding my teeth down to the gums and chewing on a bloody tongue as I watch the lack of control.
Oh well, once they leave I know I’ll appreciate my kids all the more and believe my wife and I are doing the right things for them…
I hope ^_^