preferences – post 352
What are your preferences?
Natural boobs or fake boobs?
Circumscribed or uncut?
Large vaginal lips or small ones?
What are your preferences?
Natural boobs or fake boobs?
Circumscribed or uncut?
Large vaginal lips or small ones?
February 24th, 2009 at 11:25 pm
Wow…I must be honest here in saying that I have been caught off guard by the question posted. Not saying this is bad, it takes a lot for me to be disturbed.
Anyways heres my answer:
Natural, at least a B cup.
No pref. really on the wang.
I do like the vag to have some meat to it. Not too much and not to little, ya know?
February 25th, 2009 at 1:37 am
Natural boobs, no frankentits for me.
Circumcised, just because its easier to keep clean.
I don’t mind big pussy lips, but not huge meat drapes. Ugh!