furry science – post 341

So according to science, human/animal hybrids just won’t work. One Robert Lanza, scientific director of Advanced Cell Technologies and his team have been at it, trying to find alternate ways of getting stem cells. It’s all about taking the nucleus of an egg and swapping it out with another nucleus (animal or human). If done right the egg splits as if it where fertilized by sperm and start to become an embryo. But in the ones that are part human and part animal, the embryo stop dividing after a certain point. Apparently, the genes in the egg start to get switched off if another nucleus is planted in side it. Sort of like mother natures fail safe for this sort of thing.

The scary thing is that experiments like this have been going on for decades and number in the thousands. But we all know it’s only a matter of time before someone get’s it right. The biggest problem I have with all of this is that these new human animal hybrids will only be used as spare parts. They’ll never know a real life. Plus how scary would it be to know they you’re the only one of your kind, only made to push science forward.

So yeah… I can’t say that I’m a fan of this. It does make me sad that the prospect of cats girls though will never be a reality…. sigh…

What’s you take on this?

3 Responses to “furry science – post 341”

  • John M. Hanna Says:

    Theres probably some Dr Moreau type with no morals or ethics who will accomplish this. Just be careful if he does. It might not be what you hoped for.

  • Jesper Andersen Says:

    Well personally, im possitive about stem-cell reasearch, although not at the cost of our hummanity… I agree, that the prospect of artificially producing hynrids, solely for the purpose of harvesting their stem-cells is wrong in all it’s aspects… however, if a reasonable way to create theese stem-cells, without harming any living beings, is discovered, i say ” go for it”…

  • fire_wire91387 Says:

    I would have figured that this post be about Friday the 13th (day, not specifically the movie) rather than cat-girls or animal-humanoids in general. Not that I have a problem with it.

    I don’t think that animal-humanoids will be really made. At some point, we’ll just get the technology for cloning these stem-cells and abandon these hybrids altogether. Over-population being what it is, we hardly have the resources to handle our existing species, we don’t need to strain our finite supplies of food and medicine and other such necessities on an amalgamated species created purely out of scientific curiosity.

    That said, you know there’s probably some rich and sick furry lover out there with their own cat-girl maid or something.

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