it’s mah birthday – post 337

32 years ago today, at Belleville General Hospital in Ontario Canada, I was born. It was also a year today that I started my self imposed challenge to make a post every day for a year.  Or at least on the days that I could make a post, because I knew there where going to be times when I just when I just wouldn’t be able to.  Does anyone remember the reason for me doing this?  Well, let’s refresh.

I’m am very much terrified of death, and when I was around 6 I never thought that I would live past 31.  Probably because to a 6 year old 31 seems crazy old.  Like, need a cane to walk and stuff kind of old.  But as that age of 31 grew close I began to get nervous.  Maybe I saw forward and predicted my own end.  Things like that do happen from time to time.  So I decided to post every day so that if I did die, you all would know it since the posts would stop.  But they never did.  Was this all hog wash on my part?  Probably, but in the end of it all I’m actually able to look back on this year and have a pretty good written journal on what I did or discovered.  And you all came along for the ride.

So what are the memorable posts made over the last year?  Do you have a favorite?  Some of mine where the point blank question ones.  Like “what did you have for dinner”  and such.  I’ve loved reading the answers to them. ^_^  I think I say that my total favorite though was a response to the second post.  It was “You have the kind of kick ass birthday I’d give 10 years of my life for.”  It really made me think about what I have and how lucky I am to have it.  Out of all that was written last year, this was it for me and I’ll never forget it.

Let’s see what else.  Ummm…  oh, I’ve started working on commissions again.  I really must apologize for having them fall so far behind.  If you’ve messaged me about current ones or asking about me taking yours on and I haven’t replied, I am truly sorry.  I for one am horrible for responding to emails and such and I don’t mean to be a dick.  But as I said, they’re back on the menu and here’s hoping that they all go over smoothly.

I guess that’s about it.  Oh, I went and looked up things that happened on Feb in history to see if there was anything cool.  I didn’t find too much except…

1822Haiti invades the newly founded Dominican Republic.
1942 – Year-round Daylight saving time is re-instated in the United States as a wartime measure to help conserve energy resources.
1964The Beatles make their first appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show, performing before a “record-busting” audience of 73 million viewers.

and others thanks to Wikipedia.  Meh, nothing to exciting.

Oh, I did want to thank Andy bunny for the picture he made for me.  It’s awesome and so is he.  Thanks Andy!  You rock ^_^

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