first day back – post 330

So today was my first day back in studio. How did it go? I was brought up to speed on the projects and which ones I’ll be on. Seems as though I’m being pulled in two directs as they want me to be lead artist on a new title AND over see the art on a project that will be finishing soon.

Ahhh… it’s great to be needed.

Then I spend the WHOLE FREAK’N DAY installing programs on my PC. My old work station was wiped clean (no back up made ether… suck) and so I had to rebuild what programs I needed. Then I had to uninstall them because they weren’t working right… then install different versions… and so forth and so on. Pretty quickly in to it I remembered “oh yeah, I hate setting up computer programs”. What seems like it should be something simple ends up being a pain in the ass. Oh, in case you didn’t know, the new MSN Messenger is ass ugly and I hate it. I tried to install the previous version but noooooo. Big daddy Microsoft won’t let me use an older version. So if you have the previous version my advice it to keep it. Don’t upgrade because you can’t go back.


Oh well. Tomorrow, I’ll be really to go and I’ll actually be productive again. I hope.

One Response to “first day back – post 330”

  • John M. Hanna Says:

    Well, as my old man used to say, “The only thing worse than having a job, is not having a job.” At least you’re working again.

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