indie games: Waring Forever – post 27

If you’ve been following along you’ll know that I love video games.  They’re my passion, my career and I’ve build my whole life around, not just playing them, but studying games and the industry from just about ever angle I can.  But for a long time there was a section of games that I missed, totally over looked it.  Indie games.  Games made by people, not for money, but because they love games.  These people are the true gamers out there.  So it’s here that I’ll do posts covering indie games that I love to play.  Most (if not all cuze I’m cheap) are totally free and will give you more of a true game experience then a lot of the big studio games out there.

So let’s begin.

-Warning Forever-

Warning Forever is a fixed shooter (there is no scrolling) by the good people (person?) at Hikware, where you do nothing but boss fights.  That’s it.  Are ya hooked yet?  No?  Then lets continue.

You start with the base boss.  A center piece with four other attachments on it.  Oh it shoots at you too.  But there is a twist.  You destroy that first boss and, depending how you did it, the next one will grow to defend it’s self better.  Example…  You blow up the front part first.  Then next time it’ll have a larger, better defended front section.  Did you die from a laser cannon blast?  Well then the next boss will have more lasers to fight you with.  Each time you defeat the boss it’ll learn and you’ll have to change your strategy a bit.  There is also a time limit ticking down as you play.  It’s this kind of game play that really works.  You are not only just against boss ships but against the time as well so if you want to progress you’ll have to beat each boss quickly, but strategically so you’ll stand a chance against the next one.  Awesome. ^_^

There are only two weapon types.  One the just fires straight and one where you can focus your attack depending on how you angle your “attack wedge”.  The first one is good two start but you really need to learn the second to make it farther in the game.

This game is easily one of my favorites.  You can sit and play a quick game, but you’ll soon finding yourself playing a jillion quick games because you’ll want to do better and try new tactics to one up the bosses.

My highest is 12.  I think you can even swap your scores for others to see since the game will also record the last boss you fought.

Hooked now?  Good.  Go play it.

Get it here

Games site here

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