It’s what I want SF4 to be… – post 26

Have you seen this? I’m sure most have by now. If not… then take a gander… it’s beautiful.

King of Fighters XII

The internet is a buzz about how King of Fighters XII is all hand drawn rather then 3D like Street Fighter 4. This is actually no surprise to me and I think you deserve a smack if you though KoF XII was cell shaded as it’s pretty damn obvious that it’s all hand drawn goodness. What I’m jazzed about it how damn good it looks. I mean… O_O it looks like SF3 is going to have to step down in terms of pure gorgeous 2D animation. This looks like it takes the cake… and shares none of it with any one.

Now I know people are going to be “what about Guilty Gear?” I never really cared for Guilty Gear, didn’t play it much and even the animation, as nice as it was, didn’t grab me. Sorry GG fans, but that’s the truth. KoFXII though give me a super woody. I wish there was more to show except from what’s at the end of this clip or at least take out the stupid text. I wanna see me some animation damn it!

The funny thing is, I’ve never been a big fan of the KoF series. I liked Samurai Showdown better. But KoF and I have crossed paths in the past… and I enjoyed what it had to offer. But this… this I like. I’m sure most know know that I’m a HUGE fan of 2D games but I’ll say it again just in case.

I’m a HUGE fan of 2D games.

Sorry Capcom. I think I’m going to go hang out at SNK’s house for a bit. No, no… We’re just friends. Honest. Umm… You have nothing to worry about.

*get’s in car and drives off*

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