organic food – post 23

How green are you?  Not literally… – _ –

I’d like to think I’m pretty green.  I recycle everything I can and even take home cans and such that I’ve used when I’m out and about to recycle them when I get home.  We take our reusable bags out when we go shopping rather then get plastic bags.  I use public transit instead of drive.  We compost.  But what I really love to get is organic/natural food stuffs.  Whole wheat flower, organic eggs from free range chickens, organic beef, organic fruits and veggies, and on and on and on…  I even drink organic, fair trade hot chocolate every morning.  I love to buy fair trade products and buy locally.  Which means to buy all our produce from the surrounding farmers thus lowering the carbon emissions because my food doesn’t have to travel long distances.  It makes me feel good to know that what I’m putting in my body isn’t filled with chemicals.  I can read all the ingredients in my food and my wife and I actually (well my wife really) bake like crazy so we know that all the stuff in our baking is natural too!

One thing I’ve noticed is that once you start to make/cook your own food rather then eat out or buy it premade in a box that you really notice the salt and/or horrible taste in box food.  Really.  I would take our natural food any day.  Now that’s not to say that we don’t buy crap from time to time or eat out too because we do that too, but we’re really reducing the amount.  And we’re just joined a organic co-op where we can get even more organic food and earth friendly products.  Stuff we can’t get in stores or are hard to find.  Like the garbage bags made of corn fibers.  They break down in like a year rather then 1000 like normal bags.  It’s awesome!  This month is actually our first order with the co-op and we’re very excited.

So I’d like to think I’m pretty green.  A show I like to watch to is called “Living with Ed”.  It has Ed Begley Junior and it’s how he’s crazy green and you get to see what he does to live with out leaving a huge carbon foot print.  It’s great!  You can see earth friendly products and energy saving ideas too.

So there you have it.  Another peek in to my life.  Joe = green ^_^

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