Tribal Week: Sexy Shaman

I’m declaring this week to be tribal week.  Any doodles I post up will run with this theme.  The first will be the sexy shaman.  Got something that ails ya, I’m sure she’s got the cure.  You might not like it… but I’m sure it’ll work. ^_^

4 Responses to “Tribal Week: Sexy Shaman”

  • JiveGuru Says:

    I’d probably be fine with any treatment she had in mind! 🙂

  • sasheskiss Says:

    Im actually under the weather right now. Does she have anything to cure a really bad cold

  • JJ Says:

    Understand, just take [her] hand. [S]he’s the medicine [wo]maa aA AAN!

    (I doubt anyone will get that)

    Really not sure how I feel about this one. Don’t misunderstand me, the art is great (the headdress is fantastic), and I love me some good body modification. However, she seems much more ritualistic than sexy…. All of the details that you’ve put into her design really present a ceremonial presence. Not sure how to articulate this feeling. I like the sketch, I just don’t find it naughty. Most of the time, I imagine the sexy things that the characters you offer might engage in. With this one, I want to see what sort of rite(s) she is going to perform. Well, maybe that’s what you were going for.

    Yeah… words fail me now.

    • Joe Randel Says:

      I can see your point. She’s more of a believable character with regards to her design. So I can see how she could be viewed as not a sexy character as I usually do. I’m totally fine with that and I 100% respect your honesty. ^_^

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