Sleepy Doggie

Awwww… doggies are so cute when they sleep. ^_^

I had my first allergy attack of the season today.  It sucks.  If I know my body though, it’ll be short lived.  I usually have a bad week or two in the spring and then I’ll be fine (hopefully) during the summer.  It’s the fall that I’m my worst.  Then I;ll only be able to wish I could sleep as well as the doggie girl here.  Anyone else allergies kick in yet?

3 Responses to “Sleepy Doggie”

  • Michael Says:

    well lately my nose has been a little stuffy, which i guess could be allergies but i dont really get bad. hope you get some sleep joe, but if not you could always sketch more? 😀

  • JiveGuru Says:

    I’ve been fine allergy-wise so far, but I know there’ll come a day soon when I’ll have a bad day. XD

    Also, nice pic! XD Good to see some feet which completes my anatomical study of her! 🙂

  • sasheskiss Says:

    Wow. No allergies to speak of. But I would cuddle up next to her even if i was allergic.

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