Doggie BJ

Ugh… ever have one of those weekends and it just kept on going.  Yeah… I’m currently having one of those.  Anyhoo, here’s the doggie girl giving a blow job to cheer the place up.  I really should think about giving her a name.  Also, I think this is the first time I’ve draw an animal penis.  I hope no one is offended.

14 Responses to “Doggie BJ”

  • Zafo Says:

    Great drawing.
    Shame we cant se her whole body
    in it but still great 🙂

  • lamar dunlap Says:

    Really love that doggie girl is sticking around. Cant wait to see her full body

  • humbird0 Says:

    The “animal” penis isn’t detailed enough to be distracting offensive. It’s practically a silhouette. So we can easily focus on the detailed part of the picture: The girl.

  • JiveGuru Says:

    D’aaw how cute! XD

    Doggy penis doesn’t rely bother me…. cause she’s a dog, so it just seems…. natural? lol

    I dunno. It just doesn’t here.

  • JJ Says:

    Really don’t know what would be offensive about this. A doggie girl sucking a doggie boy cock? If anything, it would shock me less to find someone offended by her sucking a humanoid dick. Funny how so many interspecies pics there are with nary a batted eyelash to be found. Yet, this intraspecies sketch caused pause to wonder. Do people really get offended at such things?

    • Joe Randel Says:

      Well, I’m sure some people out there might get offended. I guess I was concerned that some out there might not care for the “dog bone” image and prefer a human bone.

      • JJ Says:

        Yeah, I recognize that there are, but just don’t get it. I guess I understand why someone might be offended at the general nature of your work (pornographic), even though I disagree with such sentiment. However, once someone is willing to accept anthropomorphic pornography, I don’t understand why someone would be offended by sexual play between creatures of the same species.

  • Oomu Says:

    I’m not at all offended. Only violence to people offend me 🙂

  • shadow Says:

    How about Pawline?

    • Joe Randel Says:

      Hmmm… I’ll pass on this one. I had a friend in school who’s Mom was named Pauline. This would be too strange. ^_^

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