So Canadian – post 20

I’m sure that most here know that I hail from Canada.  But what most don’t probably know that I’m pretty damn hard core about where I live.
Most of the music I listen to is Canadain like Barenaked Ladies (from waaaayyyy back), Jann Arden, Blue Rodeo, Big Wreck (signer is Canadian), Big Sugar,  Tragically Hip, Staggered Crossing, Hawksley Workman and Wide Mouth Mason.  I don’t watch a lot of TV but I do enjoy Canada’s Worst Driver, Canada’s Worst Handyman and Corner Gas (when I catch it that is).  But there’s more to Canada or being Canadian then just it’s awesome, diverse music scene and tv (yeah baby… cbc ^_^ awesome documentaries) so I’ve made a list of things about Canada or about being Canadian that others might not know and might help you out on your next visit.

– We don’t say “eh” or “aboot” (about) as much as others may think.  Well, not all of us any way.  I’m actually guilty of saying “aboot” sometimes and I my wife uses “eh” but we’re just two people and not a proper statistic of a whole Nation.

– Newfoundland, Toronto and Ottawa are actually pronounced Noofundlan, Trana (or Chrana depending how slack jaw you are) and Odawa.

– A “Two Four” is a 24 case of beer and is usually consumed in great quantities on “May two four weekend”.  A long weekend in May where we celebrate the Queen by camping out when it’s still crazy ass cold out but are usually too drunk to care.

– Butter Tarts are not made of butter but they are the best tarts you’ll ever put in your face.  Trust me.

– Quebec has pies with filling made of just maple sugar.

– Poutine is not some scatological porn site.  It’s fries with gravy and cheese curds.  Possibly the best tasting and worst kind of food you can put in your body.  Yum!  Did I mention it was the best tasting?

– Maple syrup kicks corn syrups ass any day of the year.  No question.

– Beaver Tails aren’t made of beavers so it’s okay to eat them.

– Canadians consider American beer for children or the elderly.

– Lacross, Hockey and Basket Ball are all Canadian invented sports.

– Robertson screwdrivers are considered to be a better (possibly the best) design for screws.  So much that Henry Ford found that they saved considerable amount of time in the construction of the early cars.  It is actually possible to screw a Robertson screw in with one hand with out holding the screw.

– The light bulb was actually invented in Canada by Henry Woodward.  He later sold the patent to Edison who then took credit.

– Tim Hortons is a Canadian institution.  To see if your town meets the THQC (Tim Hortons Quota of Canada) stand at one Tim Hortons and look to see if you can see another down the streen, then your town is okay.

– We actually have two forms of legal tender.  Canadian dollars and Canadian Tire Money.  The difference is one stays in your wallet the other stays in the glove box or kitchen drawer.

– No those aren’t spelling errors.  The “u” is supposed to be there and it’s “zed” not “zee”

and finally

– We don’t really know what Canadian bacon is.  Could you please tell us.

I think that’s a pretty good start.  There is a whole lot more I could write but should get back to work before someone notices.

G’day eh ^_^

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