Vacation Time!

So I’ll be away from the blog for a time.  Just over a week or so.  Try not to miss me too much.  I don’t actually take big vacations often.  The last time I did was 2 years ago when we where first at Disney World and before that… I couldn’t tell ya.  So it’s a pretty big deal for us to go on a vacation.  Usually it’s just camping trips during the summer.  Even when I was a kid, I never went on long family vacations.  I’m excited and nervous at the same time.  I can’t wait to eat all the fantastic food they have there, but I’m still nervous about flying.  I’ll for sure be playing my 3DS during the flight to help take my mind off… the flight.

If I don’t make it back, I’m sorry I wasn’t able to deliver the Tinkerbell folio.  But trust me… I was going to be sweet. ^_^

2 Responses to “Vacation Time!”

  • Mike Says:

    if you die before releasing that folio, i will find a way to bring you back to life so you can release it. i’m sure other people will be willing to help me. also, have fun on vacation, and dont take a window seat since you’re afraid of flying. and try not to worry about it to much. i’ve never flown before so i have no idea if i’d be afraid of it but hey, i’m sure the 3ds will take your mind off of it.

  • John M Hanna Says:

    Wish I could join you Joe. Its single digits here in St Louis. A nice vacation in a warm clime would be nice. Have fun!

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