Christmas Swag

So how was your Christmas this year?  Did you get the loot you’ve had your eye on?  Did people love what you got them?  My Christmas went over very well.  My family loved the things they got and I received some pretty cool things too.  Wanna see them?  Well to start things off, I found these Jones sodas in my stocking.  I had them last year too and loved them.  The flavors are (left to right) gingerbread, sugar-plum, pear tree and candy cane.  They’re so strange, how can you not love them. ^_^

This little Wreck-It Ralph will soon find a new home on my desk at work.

I seemed to get a lot of fun t-shirts this year.  I also got a Mickey Mouse one and a Muppets one too, plus lots of game related ones.  This was my favorite of them all though.

I only got one game this year, but that’s okay with me.  I already have lots to play.  Plus you can’t go wrong with The Simpsons.

I really love my art of Wreck-It Ralph book!  So awesome!

Here’s some pics of the inside of it.  Storyboards!  I love looking at storyboards!

The sprite work on the side makes me happy like you have no idea.

At one point Ralph was going to be an animal type character.  I’m very glad they went with the design we all know.

Here are some early designs for Vanellope.  I’m not sure what to make of the green version on the side there.

She’s looking more like what we know in these pics.

Finally there are some of the princess gown designs.  I bet it’s so much fun to be a part of something like this.

This is probably my favorite gift.  It’s one of those one-a-day calendars only this one is full of pin ups by the great Gil Elvgren.  365 pin-up girls!  I seriously can’t wait to start this calendar.  Also, I don’t think I’m going to be able to throw out pictures each day.  I’m going to have to find a way to save them.

So that’s pretty much it.  How about you?  What did you get?

I once ate enough of this kind of food to feed a small village?

3 Responses to “Christmas Swag”

  • John M Hanna Says:

    My family has been keeping it pretty low-key when it comes to Christmas gifts. We reserve it mainly for the little kids and let them get all the toys. Now in a couple of weeks its my birthday. Thats when I cash in with all the toys and goodies.

  • JJ Says:

    Man, that pinup-a-day calendar looks great! I agree that it’d be hard to toss out each page. Sorry I don’t have any suggestions for what to do with them. Well, none that are practical anyway.

    We try to keep the gifts to small and, at least between the wife and I, restricted to things that we can both use/enjoy… we try to. This year, I received a Charlie Harper print (the artist, not the sitcom character), a book on the history of Lego, and a set of bookend heads (Aristotle and Homer). I got my wife Carcassonne (a nifty little board game) and a coupon book that included a full treatment spa day.

  • CinosNroca Says:

    This year was the year! I finally scored a PS3! So I get it all hooked up and get the updates, profile settings and connect to the wifi. First thing I do? Download Legend of Dragoon (a PS1 game) and vegetate on the couch!
    My roommate yelled at me, saying “You have arguably one of the most powerful systems on the market, and you play Legend of Dragoon?!” Totally looked at him with the proper face and said, “Problem?” LOL

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