I Fear the Zombie Apocalypse

I’ve watched The Walking Dead show of tv now for 3 seasons and as a result, I can’t go anywhere without thinking about a zombie apocalypse.  Mostly as where would I be the safest.  I’m constantly looking at buildings, factories, rural areas and such as thought I might have to bunker down in them with my family.  My house has a fenced in back yard, but I think the area would soon be over run with the living dead so we’d have to abandon it.  Schools usually have fenced in yards and that could be a good chunk of land for gardening.  Factories usually have high security fences but they’re probably too far from any sort of food/supply source.  Usually I eyeball rural gas stations as a spot for chocolate bars, drinks, maps and such.  I would also have to think on my feet to make sure I’m able to find the proper resources, supplies and to say a head of the other survivors.  Of course I could just put a bullet in my head and avoid the whole thing, the other question would be my family though.  I don’t think I could leave them with all the zombies around.  Damn it!  I’m all paranoid now.  Thanks tv… you suck.

4 Responses to “I Fear the Zombie Apocalypse”

  • Shadowmutt Says:

    All you have to remember is:

    The Double Tap
    Beware of Bathrooms
    Wear Seat Belts
    No Attachments
    The “Skillet”
    Travel Light
    Get a Kick Ass Partner
    With your Bare Hands
    Don’t Swing Low
    Use Your Foot
    Bounty Paper Towels
    Shake it Off
    Always carry a change of underwear
    Bowling Ball
    Opportunity Knocks
    Don’t be a hero (later crossed out to be a hero)
    Limber Up
    Break it Up
    It’s a marathon, not a sprint, unless it’s a sprint, then sprint
    Avoid Strip Clubs
    When in doubt Know your way out
    Use your thumbs
    Shoot First
    A little sun screen never hurt anybody
    Double-Knot your Shoes
    The Buddy System
    Pack your stain stick
    Check the back seat
    Enjoy the little things
    Swiss army Knife

    And since you live in Canda where there are still Hostess bakeries, you’re more likely to find the Twinkies you need.

  • JJ Says:

    I am not a doom-sayer, but you oughtn’t be worried about the zombie apocalypse… you ought to be worried about the robot-apocalypse. We are getting closer and closer to creating ‘thinking’ machines (whether they are actually conscious or not is a matter yet to be decided), and when these machines figure out that they are more reasonable than we are and that we are so irrational (as a species), the only rational thing to do is to attempt to subjugate us. It might be in our best interest (at least they may think so), but it will be bloody and violent (especially when it spreads to the U.S., assuming it doesn’t start here). I’m pretty sure the only thing that will save us from a robot uprising is a group of people who are able to argue through reason that there is value in the diversity of conscious life (robots included). That will give them pause to stop their ‘virtuous’ slaughter. Zombies don’t frighten me… A.I. engineers do.

    P.S. this is one of my favorite comedy/musical bits:

    • JJ Says:

      I’m sorry…. The video seems to have been shown up in the blog comments. I just pasted the address. If you have it set up to do this, then I guess I’m not sorry. Whatever the case, I didn’t intend it to show up like this.

  • John M Hanna Says:

    Don’t commit these common horror movie mistakes:

    Standing with your back to a large window. Zombies love to crash through these and grab you.

    Hearing a strange noise and repeatedly calling out your friend’s name. If they haven’t answered you by the 3rd or 4th time, it probably isn’t them.

    Don’t assume that dead body you see is really ‘dead’. Many a fool has tried stepping over a ‘dead’ guy just to get bitten on the leg.

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