let’s talk about sex – post 281

So I actually get this question quite often. What do I tell my kids when they find out about what I draw? Well, my answer is easy. I don’t tell them and I keep it so they don’t find out. It’s not something they need to know in my personal opinion, but like your Dad’s old Playboy magazines, there is a chance that they’ll come across it at one point or another.

Right now they’re young so I don’t draw, talk about or look at (surf to) any furry or toon sites naughty or other wise (obviously). As they get older the same will rules apply even past the 18+ mark. It’s not that I’m ashamed of it, but it’s just something that they don’t need to know about dear old Dad. I do all my “Joe” drawings when they’re in bed or sometimes on my lunch break. That’s all there is to it.

But what happens if they find it one day. That’s could be trickier to talk about. In our house though we keep things very open for discussion and we don’t use stupid names for genitalia (special spot, bird, down there, etc…). Right off the top the kids need to know what the proper names are. My daughter is 5 and she knows already. Having a baby brother (or sister) to compare to brings that stuff up quickly. Jumping back, so what will I say if they find out? I’m not sure but I know I’ll be honest with them and I won’t get angry at them for discovering my secret drawing stash. That’s the most important thing in my opinion. I might say something like “Daddy likes to draw naked cartoons sort of like how you like to draw princess or ponies”, but who knows until the time actually comes.

I have all my dirty art stashed in a box in the basement (all for sale too if anyone wants some) but lately I’ve been doing all my art (except commission work) digitally, so there is no drawings to find unless they’re snooping around on my laptop. Which no one but me does, not even my wife (who knows about my drawing habits).

So yeah, my basic answer is, my kids won’t find out what I draw. I take great care so they don’t have to know although the older they are if and when they make the discovery will make explaining it easier… I hope ^_^

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