Sawyer Xmas pic – post 280

Thanks again for all the suggestions on what character I should use for my annual candy cane pic.  One of the first ones I saw was Sawyer from Can’t Don’t Dance and I thought… SOLD!

She’s a good over design and has a wonderful silhouette. I’ve only drawn her once in the past and that was a long, long time ago.  Thank fully it was super easy to find her official model sheets and she’s easy to draw too.  Oh, and same as last year I was able to turn this one into two versions.  One for FA (more naughty like with candy canes) and one for DA (toned down and more sexy cheesecakey).  Both will of course make it to my blog so if you wish to see the other just look there.

Well looks like I made good for another xmas pic.  I’m glad I remembered when I did too.

Thanks again for all the suggestions. ^_^

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