Up Too Late, Too Damn Tired

How much sleep do you get a night?  I go to bed usually around 12:30am and get up at 6:20 am.  That’s what… just shy of 6 hours.  Not really enough I realize.  I’m tired most days.  I keep telling myself I need to go to bed sooner, but it just never changes.  I draw my Tinkerbell folio as I watch TV shows but just when I think I’m done for the evening, I turn the channel over to TVO (TV Ontario) to see what The Agenda is about tonight.  It’s a current events/political show and fantastic brain food.  Next thing I know, it’s far later than it should be and I’m a chump for staying up late again.  Ugh… not to mention that this year, day light saving time is kicking my ass.  The clocks are telling me it’s only 11pm but my body says it’s 12am and it sucks.  I should just take some time off from drawing in my evenings and try to get my body back on track.

Yeah… like that will ever happen.  Zzzzzz….

4 Responses to “Up Too Late, Too Damn Tired”

  • Mike Says:

    aww poor joe lol. get some more sleep! i normally go to bed around 12:30 to 1:45 depending on what i have to do the next day, but except on busy days i normally dont get up till almost noon. so i have an excuse lol.

  • John M Hanna Says:

    My sleep schedule is such a mess right now. Sometimes I’m up til 3 AM trying to sleep just to wake up around 9 in a haze and still unable to sleep. I think I need to cut down my caffeine consumption.

  • maskedmustelid Says:

    I aim for five hours minimum a night, and head to bed no later than 6:30am in order to be up at 11:30am in order to start work in the early afternoon.

    Once I’m home on the weekend, all bets are off, and I’ll randomly take a nap in the afternoon, do an all-nighter and/or simply sleep in all day. If it wasn’t for stuff like work, I think my body practically ignores the normal circadian rhythm entirely and just does whatever the hell it wants irrespective of it being day or night.

  • JJ Says:

    Man, do I feel like an old codger. I’m usually in bed by 10:00 pm, and up right around 6:00 am (I was up just a bit early today). This schedule is partially due to an old job with very specific and demanding hours, and partially due to lifelong habits. I am pretty much worthless with less than 6 hours of sleep, and aim for right around 8 every night. This has actually caused a bit (a very small bit) of tension in our marital household. Occasionally my wife (who is a night owl) will get frisky toward later evening, and I will be in full on going to sleep mode. Once that point hits, it is time for me to sleep (head+pillow=zzz). Roles get reversed in the morning–I’ll be raring to go, and she’ll be a zombie. I will probably never understand how you all (my wife included) can function on such odd hours.

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