santa – post 279

Thank you for all the suggestions.  A character has been picked and is currently in rough sketch form. ^_^

Did you like Santa as a kid?  I mean, if you celebrate Christmas that is.  If not them fell free to continue to read and laugh at the absurdity of making you kid sit on some strangers lap.  I don’t really remember how I felt.  I think I was okay.  I don’t have any traumatic events involving Santa to my knowledge.

My kids though… forget it.  They want nothing to do with him in person.  They hide from him if they see him and even burst in to tears.  My daughter never wanted to see him at the mall.  She would only stand at the edge of “Santa’s Village”  and watch other kids have their turn with the red man.  Now that my daughter is 5 she’ll go up and shake his hand because “that’s what you do when your five” she says.

They like the idea of Santa and like to read stories about him.  My daughter loves drawing pictures for Santa about what she wants for Christmas.  It’s so cute.  But the real thing… nope… no way.

So how about you?  Where you scared of the fat man when you where little?

2 Responses to “santa – post 279”

  • CinosNroca Says:

    When I was but a wee lad, my father would tell me stories of how Santa had made his Christmas. I believed it hook line and sinker. He even told me that he woke up and saw Santa putting the presents under the tree. And for the longest time I actually believed, up until Middle school when I found out. I nearly cried. (Don’t laugh)

  • jimmenyjohn Says:

    Oddly enough, my mother is an uber devout catholic, but she never let us believe in santa. As a child I always thought it was strange when I saw all of the kids lined up to see santa at the mall. In a strange twist, neither my sister nor myself are religious, but we both think it is okay to let children believe in santa.

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