Wedding Day

Not for me.  I’ve been married for 12 years now.  No, no… I’ve been asked to be in a wedding quite that is coming up quite soon.  I didn’t make Best Man, I was only asked to be a Groomsmen.  Which is fine by me, I won’t loose any sleep over it.  It is quite an honour to be asked to take part in someones very important day regardless of what part you play.  The one thing I don’t care for is the money that is one is expected to put out when being in a wedding.  I know that the bride and groom are the ones that usually pay for the majority of the celebration, but sometimes I feel that they forget how much others will have to shell out to be in the wedding.  It shouldn’t be expected that others have to spend lots of money too.  In total, I’ll probably be shelling out close to $600 or $700 when it’s all said and done.  The suit I got, the travel costs and hotel, the gift, food and any thing extra that happens to pop up.  While I’m happy to be in the wedding, I could do with out the cost of it all.

Well, a little lower at least.

2 Responses to “Wedding Day”

  • Chakat Firepaw Says:

    Don’t forget the poor bridesmaids who often have to buy a somewhat expensive dress that they will likely never wear again. At least the guys can go and rent a tux, even if they buy it it will still be wearable at other events.

    • Joe Randel Says:

      Exactly. The dresses the brides maids wear will probably never be worn again. I will wear my suit to another wedding or at least a funeral.

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