Joe, didn’t you used to draw? – post 12

Quick update… still sick and it sucks.  I’m going to take tomorrow off from work.

So I’m sure that most have noticed that I haven’t drawn much in the past few years.  Which isn’t to say that I’ve run out of things to draw or have grow tired of drawing naughty pictures.  Goodness no.  It just means that life and family take priority over extra art as I’m sure that most, if not all of you, would agree.  I does make me sad that I’m not able to draw as much as I’d like.  I have lots of ideas that I’d like to put down on paper before I hang up my pencil.  It’s a question if they’ll ever see the light of day.  Here’s a quick list…

Gwen folio
Bondage folio
Folio featuring two characters that I made a long time ago but still like ^_^
New Flavors folio
Chipette folio to be posted online

Of course there’s constantly a list of one shot pics that I’d like to do in between those large scale projects.  I still get excited thinking about them too ^_^

But before I do any of those I do have a small list of pics to do for others.  Some have waited a very long time for these pics too and I must say I’ve very embarrassed that they’re not done yet.  I pride myself that I’m able to get art done at work super fast but when it comes to extra art I’ve fallen short.  I don’t want any of these people to think I’ve skipped out on them ether.  That’s not how I do things.  I am an honest person so if I said I’ll do a picture for you I’ll keep my word.

Raganzi – You’re the first pic I need to finish.  You’ve waited the longest.  Once I get over being sick and not crazy exhausted when I get home I’ll do more concepts for your idea

Mike Caddell – I owe you a pic for winning the Gwen contest.  I have an idea that I think you’ll love based off what character you wanted.

Valkyrie – I think I still owe you a birthday pic ^_^

DMajorBoss – I think I’ll need a few more details on what you want/don’t want with your character suggestion. ^_^

Dadward – Art trade not yest started… still actually trying to decide on which of your wonderful characters to use ^_^

TJA – Owe pic for next folio to support the site ^_^

I think that’s it.  I will get these works done.  I don’t even like to do other work until they are finished as I feel super guilty.  People have waited so long for art from me it’s ridiculous, but I will keep to my word.

Thank you

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